
Resources, good reads and videos

We are in a time of great innovation and transformation. Here are some of the websites, personalities, and theories that help inform our worldview.
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Ryan Holiday

Making Stoic Philosophy More Accessible | The Daily Show

"We don't control what happens to us in life, but we control how we respond to what happens in life." What stoicism is, how people can benefit from ancient philosophy in modern life, how the internet and social media make philosophy more accessible.

Tristan Harris (video)

How Wisdom Can Protect Humanity from Technology

More than ever, we need the wisdom to match the power of our God-like technology. Yet, technology is both eroding our ability to make sense of the world, and increasing the complexity of the issues we face. The gap between our sense-making ability and issue complexity is what we call the “wisdom gap."

Daniel Schmachtenberger & Liv Boeree (video)

Misalignment, AI & Moloch

A deep dive into the game theory and exponential growth underlying our modern economic system, and how recent advancements in AI are poised to turn up the pressure on that system in ways we have never seen before.

Oren Lyons (video)

Indigenous View of the World

Oren is a faithkeeper of the Turtle Clan, Onondaga Council of Chiefs, Haudenosaunee. He has been active in international Indigenous rights and sovereignty issues for over four decades at the United Nations and other international forums.

Consilience Project

Technology is Not Values Neutral

Technology is Not Values Neutral: Ending the Reign of Nihilistic Design. We fail to take tech seriously when we do not grasp its full impact on humans.

Peter Russell (video)

The Global Brain

Peter Russell explores the idea that the Earth is an integrated, self-regulating living organism and asks what function humanity might have for this planetary being. It suggests that we stand on the threshold of a major leap in evolution, as significant as the emergence of life itself.

Daniel Wahl

The Universe as a Living Whole

The purpose of this page is to bring into conversation two outlooks on life that offer hope for the world: Whole Systems Thinking and Process Theology. 

Eckhart Tolle - at Google (video)

Digital Age: Living with Meaning, Purpose & Wisdom

Eckhart Tolle stops by Google for a fireside chat with Bradley Horowitz. The subject is: "Living with Meaning, Purpose and Wisdom in the Digital Age."

Coevolving Innovations

A General Theory of Living Systems

Science is taking on a new aspect which is neither purely physical, nor purely biological. It is becoming the study of organisms. Biology is the study of the larger organisms; whereas physics is the study of the smaller organisms.

The Deep Adaptation Forum

Deep Adaptation

The mission of DAF is “to embody and enable loving responses to our predicament”. The predicament refers to societal collapse, resulting mainly from the climate emergency and other global crises such as biodiversity loss and soil degradation.

Integral Life

Holons: The Building Blocks of the Universe

The story of the universe itself. Holons give rise to the entire “great chain” of evolutionary emergence, a legacy of incremental wholeness that runs from the very first subatomic particles to emerge after the Big Bang, all the way to your own mind, right now.

Gabor Mate (video)

The Childhood Lie That’s Ruining All Of Our Lives.

Gabor Mate is a multi-bestselling author and a world leading expert on trauma and how it effects us throughout our whole lives. A holocaust survivor and a first generation immigrant, Gabor’s knowledge and wisdom on the scars trauma leaves behind is deep and drawn from personal experience.

Kate Raworth

What on Earth is the Doughnut?…

Humanity’s 21st-century challenge is to meet the needs of all within the means of the planet. The Doughnut of social and planetary boundaries is a playfully serious approach to framing that challenge, and it acts as a compass for human progress this century.

Center for Public Impact

What is Sensemaking?

Sensemaking is about creating space for listening, reflection and the exploration of meaning beyond the usual boundaries, allowing different framings, stories and viewpoints to be shared and collectively explored.

Jon Freeman

Metamodern Spirituality

Spiral Dynamics vs. Integral and Metamodernism. The real and perceived differences between SD and other developmental models. Are they really so different? What bridges between communities and frameworks are possible?

EcoFarm Conference (video)

Mushrooms, Mycology of Consciousness

Paul Stamets, speaker, author, mycologist, medical researcher and entrepreneur, is considered an intellectual and industry leader in fungi habitat, medicinal use, and production. He lectures extensively to deepen your understanding and respect for the organisms that literally exist under every footstep you take on this path of life.

Spiral Futures

The Future a New Narrative

The new mythos must provide a feeling of hope. It is required to feed people deeply at the level of soul and spirit, countering the felt-sense of deficit. Somehow we have to become ENOUGH. Irrespective of our personal histories, our parenting, our wounds we need to know that we are alive and that in our very being, we have all that we need.

Creative Systems Thinking

The Art of Systems Thinking

This is where the artist’s vision can blend with science, highlighting the deep sacred mystery found in the shapes, patterns and cycles of our Universe. Nature is more like a flowing living symphony than a material “thing.”

Terence McKenna

The Power Of Art

"In a way, all magic is technology... and, on another level, all technology is magic."
Terence McKenna talks about the need to summon an ocean of alien beauty right behind our eyebrows.